Thursday, January 14, 2010

Church Anniversary Wording Ceremony In 7 Months, Reception In 1 Year 7 Months?

Ceremony in 7 months, Reception in 1 year 7 months? - church anniversary wording

My friend and I can not afford to get our 1 year anniversary. As the word of our calls are not to offend or disappoint the guests? A little information on the ground again, we thought we would get money from a relative, but failed. They insisted that after our wedding, you may get, then they will get married in 7 months in a beautiful church with us, followed by a reception to mark the anniversary of our 1 years if we are to renew our vows, ordained a priest. HELP!


Church Music Girl said...

Who would have a very simple "coffee and cake reception after the ceremony. You want to clarify to a social event, and I bet I could make dessert, wine and coffee at a reasonable price. Connect an iPod and some speakers there ya go!

If you, say something about the invitation as a "dessert reception to follow" and tell me of Word you are planning a retaliatory blow against its 1-birthday.

If the offense or the other guests, it is my opinion that not enough importance placed on marriage and I just wanted a wedding.

Kat said...

As above mentioned a piece of cake with coffee and punch reception after the wedding. In this way, guests can celebrate your wedding with you.

All you need is a cake in a grocery store .... many containers of nuts .... big jugs of cocktail punch, coffee, sugar and cream, small dessert plates in cardboard, plastic cups and polystyrene cups.

In the 1-year anniversary a "birthday". Just a regular, fun, dance, dinner or snacks .... Try not to recreate, a reception, or a marriage. You only have one wedding and reception. Renewal of vows are usually carried out at 5, 10, 15 ... Birthdays or more. Not that "could not go so far received," the party.

Blunt said...

Counting chickens before time?

No mention of receiving stolen goods "in a year." The chances are good that if your family is now flaked scales of one year from now.

A cake and toast at the reception house.

Good luck

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