Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bladder Problems More Condition_symptoms Can Occasional Gall Bladder Problems Trigger Migraine Headaches?

Can occasional gall bladder problems trigger migraine headaches? - bladder problems more condition_symptoms

For years I had occasional problems with my gallbladder, but it appears more frequently and had more headaches in the past year. The two are linked?


Stephani... said...

Have, however taking into account all aspects of the gallbladder is a liver disease, I would indeed could be linked in a way to say. You should have your liver checked. Screening for hepatitis at all. Doctors did not check on ALT and AST to leave either. Always test for antibodies.

Diseases such as hepatitis C virions and educate potential damage to the liver and can build the toxicity of both virions and training toxcities and can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause headaches Cross. (and many other symptoms!)

Hepper gallbladder, has attracted a lot to find information about their HCV status. So the test!

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